Devolution Survey 2025

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On 16 December 2024, the Government published a plan to change the structure of councils in England. This is known as the English Devolution White Paper.

The White Paper sets out a proposal to move decision-making from government to local areas, through Strategic Authorities. In Derbyshire, Erewash is already in an area which has a Strategic Authority – the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA). Elections were held in 2024 where Members were elected to EMCCA.

The White Paper also sets out an intention from Government to reorganise, areas like Erewash where there is a district or borough council and

On 16 December 2024, the Government published a plan to change the structure of councils in England. This is known as the English Devolution White Paper.

The White Paper sets out a proposal to move decision-making from government to local areas, through Strategic Authorities. In Derbyshire, Erewash is already in an area which has a Strategic Authority – the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA). Elections were held in 2024 where Members were elected to EMCCA.

The White Paper also sets out an intention from Government to reorganise, areas like Erewash where there is a district or borough council and a county council will be reorganised into one or more unitary councils. In simple terms, this means that it is expected Erewash Borough Council, the other boroughs/district councils in Derbyshire, Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council will not exist under the new structure being proposed.

Instead the Government has set a clear expectation that new unitary councils should be based on a population size of at least 500k. For example, there could be one unitary council covering all of Derbyshire or there could be two or three separate unitary councils but all within Derbyshire. The Government is asking regions what they think might be best but it has indicated it will consider smaller unitary councils on an exceptional basis where there is evidence that this would make sense for a local area.

There is a lot of detail still to be confirmed. The Government has suggested that the new arrangements in Derbyshire will come into force in April 2028.

The council has been given until Friday 21 March 2025 to work with other local authorities to develop and submit initial reorganisation plans. The council will need to submit a full more detailed reorganisation plan by Friday 28 November 2025.

This consultation is to capture any immediate views or thoughts. It is expected that further opportunities for comments and thoughts will take place ahead of the fuller submission required in November 2025.